Published inTDS ArchiveAdapting to changes of data by building MLOps pipeline in Vertex AIThis post shows how to build a machine learning pipeline for object detection tasks.Aug 11, 20214Aug 11, 20214
Published inGoogle Developer ExpertsMLOps: Big Picture in GCP“Why do we need different CI/CD for machine learning?” the simplest answer is “because the data changes over time whether or not you want”.May 11, 2021May 11, 2021
Published inTDS ArchiveYOLOv2 to detect your own objects (soccer ball) using DarkflowThis story introduces the basic steps for object detection on your custom dataset.Jul 26, 201824Jul 26, 201824
Published inTDS ArchiveYOLOv2 object detection using DarkflowThis story introduces how object detection can be done. It will be helpful if you plan to build an application which benefits from object…Jul 2, 20187Jul 2, 20187
Published inTDS ArchiveTransfer Learning in Tensorflow: Part 2(VGG19 on CIFAR-10)Jun 12, 20182Jun 12, 20182
Published inTDS ArchiveTransfer Learning in Tensorflow: Part 1(VGG19 on CIFAR-10)Jun 7, 20188Jun 7, 20188
Published inTDS ArchiveSeq2Seq model in TensorFlowIn this project, I am going to build language translation model called seq2seq model or encoder-decoder model in TensorFlow. The objective…May 2, 201820May 2, 201820
Published inTDS ArchiveCIFAR-10 Image Classification in TensorFlowIn this story, I am going to classify images from the CIFAR-10 dataset. This story covers preprocessing the image and training/prediction…Apr 17, 201822Apr 17, 201822
EN-FR Machine Translation with Various RNN Models in Google CoLab (1)Within two parts of articles, I am going to implement deep learning model for English to French machine translation. The training data-set…Mar 29, 2018Mar 29, 2018
Published inITNEXTComparable and Comparator in JAVAClick here to share this article on LinkedIn »Mar 26, 20181Mar 26, 20181